Tuesday, September 26, 2017

NEW: Slice of Life

This week is just a no-go for me already... Monday I woke up with a horrible migraine and awful sinuses. I had to go to the doctor to find out that I have an upper respiratory infection and bad sinuses.  The doctors can not do anything for these awful symptoms so they tell you to go buy NyQuil and rest. So here I am, still a struggling snotty mess! :( The worst part is that I had to miss seeing my kindergarten class this morning. It sounds silly to be bummed but I really am! I was looking forward to getting to see their faces and had hope they would cure me! I just had no energy and knew I could not give them my best today, so I decided to stay in bed. I was very eager to get to see them today because I could not stop thinking about them over the weekend! I wondered if Jonathan ever felt better or if Maya got the new toy she was talking about in class. It is really crazy how much these little souls impact you in such a short amount of time. With that being said, I CAN NOT WAIT to be back in the classroom with them on Thursday! I also can not wait to feel like myself again and give those babies all of my energy!

PS. Any suggestions to keep from getting sick during the school year???!! 

With much love,


  1. I hope you feel better! All I can say is wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE how much you love your kiddos! You're the cutest! I hope you feel better hun <3333

  3. You were made for teaching! I always say that I've been a teacher longer than I've been a mom and my "kids" (i.e., students) are my kids. :) I hope you feel better soon! And as for advice, yes, just as Samantha said, washing hands is probably your best bet! I do like to use a little essential oil - like DoTerra, or whatever works for you - and diffuse it on my desk or rub it on the soles of my feet (I used to use "On Guard," which is what DoTerra makes, but it's pricey, so now it's whatever I can find that's similar). I can't say for sure whether it works or not, but I'd like to think that it does and that works for me. :) Feel better and know that your kiddos will be there waiting for you when you get back!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! That was the best compliment I could have gotten! I love essential oils, I have a diffuser on my night stand so I will definitely look into that! :)

  4. I hope you feel better! It is never fun being sick during the school year away from home. I love my kindergartners too and they are soo sweet. So glad you are having a great expereince

  5. I hope you feel better! It is never fun being sick during school especially away from home! I love my kindergartners too. they are so sweet.

  6. My fav line: "It is really crazy how much these little souls impact you in such a short amount of time." LOVE LOVE Kori! You will be a great teacher (or anything else you pursuit) because you care. You care about your work and you care about people. So good to know you.

    And I believe in EmergenC! When I start to feel a bit under the weather, I start on it and it helps me from getting too sick.
